Saturday, September 13, 2008

Murfreesboro, Y'all!

Greetings from Murfreesboro, TX!

We left yesterday morning around 7:30 AM and enjoyed a breakfast break at the Sonic in Grove City. I totally love Sonic, especially on roadtrips. It turned out to be a total downpour throughout most of the Ohio and early Kentucky trip. We hit a really bad accident in downtown Cincinnati which delayed us. But, it wasn't like we were in a complete hurry. We stopped at a Kroger Fuel station in KY, just outside of Clermont. $3.99 a gallon! Crazy. We spoke with a truck driver who was on his way up from Texas and he said gas was cheaper in TN. After we bought gas, we heard on NPR that the KY Governor had just signed a bill banning gas stations from raising prices in anticipation of Ike. Go figure.
We got to the Jim Beam Distillery around noon. We enjoyed a short tour and a sampling of Knob Creek and Basil Hayden's. The buildings the bourbon is aged in smelled so delicious! Whiskey is one of my favorites, so it was a lot of fun to learn about the process and the history of Jim Beam. I hope sometime when we have more time, we can do the entire Bourbon trail. I think it'd be especially fun to stop at Maker's Mark. Below is a pic of Joe, Jim Beam, and I, sippin' whiskey.

After that, we headed south to Cave City. We were going to go to Dinosaur World, but decided against it. Instead, we took pictures outside the front:

We then stopped at Mammoth Cave to figure out if we should go there on the way home. The decision was no, because, Mammoth Cave is totally awesome and deserves a trip of it's own.

We headed to Murfreesboro for our last stop of the day. We were fortunate enough to hit the Nashville rush hour traffic. Lucky us hitting both AM and PM rush hours! Our hotel is really nice - it is a brand new Holiday Inn Express. I love their cinnamon rolls! We ate at this awesome restaurant called Toots. We had a pitcher of beer and two dinners for $21!! So cheap! We drove around town and visited the MTSU campus. George Clinton went there. It was pretty neat.

Joe came up with this idea that we take Obama Rama around on our trip, photographing him in various places. We just so happened to drive by the Murfreesboro Republican Headquarters, so we snapped a shot:

I was pretty disturbed this morning to hear about hurricane Ike. CNN was showing a shot of the Chase building in downtown Houston...all the windows were blown out. Almost 4 years ago, I was on the top of that building looking out among the city. I wish everyone in Texas the best of luck and a speedy recovery.

Well, we're off to Lynchburg to visit the Jack Daniel's Distillery.

More later

Sunday, September 7, 2008

time flies

So it's been a really long time since I've posted anything. I think it is mostly because this quarter has kicked my ass. It is unfortunate, because a lot has gone on. We moved, had lots of friends in town to visit, went out of town a bunch. Luckily, I have my Anatomy final tomorrow night and my lab practical on Tuesday. Then I'm done! This is the last quarter where I'm taking a huge courseload and working at the same time. Next quarter I only have Physiology, and then I'm off to nursing school!

On Friday we saw the Wombats at The Basement. I really hate that venue. The audio sucks and it takes the bands an hour to get it to sound halfway decent. The only thing it has going for it is $1 Natty Cans. Mmm! The opening band was really crappy. I don't even know what they were called. The Wombats were awesome, though. I started talking in a British accent after they came on, and like a dumbass, went to the merch table and ordered my t-shirt with the same accent. The nice, British merch vendor responded "Brilliant!" a la Orbit gum. It was great.

Joe's mom was in town on Saturday. I hung out, studying, while they went to see The Lion King. Then we went to the Ox Roast and followed up with beer and food at Old Bag.

Today, I've spent the day studing more. Perkins for brunch.

Joe and I are working the details for the trip to the South for the NADE conference. The conference is in Nashville, but you know me. I've planned many stops and not-so-side-trip side trips along the way. I'm hoping to document it on here as it goes on, but last year's huge NADE Conference roadtrip through the Midwest didn't receive much of my internet attention. I really want to get more into blogging, if not just for my own way of keeping up with what I've been up to. We'll see. Anyway, the tentative plan is this:

Friday: Jim Beam Distillery Tour
Dinosaur World
Picture break at Wigwam Village Inn #2, if we don't end up staying there on the way back...
Spend the night in Murfreesboro, TN

Saturday: Jack Daniels Distillery Tour
Joe presents the 2012 Conference bid with Laura and Kristen and I hope to get Charles and the rest of the delegates to watch the OSU vs. USC game in the hospitality suite or at a local bar

Sunday: The Hermitage (Andrew Jackson's house)
Belmont Mansion (I don't know what it is exactly...)
Grand Ole Opry
President's Reception

Monday: Meetings all day
Evening "Brews Cruise" all over Nashville with our friends, touring breweries and tasting Nashville's finest beers

Tuesday: More meetings
I have no idea, hospitality suite? Hopefully a trip to the Flying Saucer, our favorite bar that doesn't exist in Ohio.

Wednesday: Meetings...that is why I get paid to go on this trip
Conference activity/Hospitality suite!

Thursday: Ditch the conference and head to Memphis!
Tour Gibson Guitar Factory
Party Hearty on Beale St.!

Friday: The moment I've been waiting for....trip to GRACELAND!

Saturday: Either stay an extra day in Memphis, or more likely head back to Cave City to check out Mammoth Cave

Sunday: Return to C-bus

I can't wait. I love our trips. Traveling is what I'm all about. I can't wait until I'm a nurse and do the travel nurse thing. My first stop will be Alaska. I've already got it planned!

Well, I guess it's back to the grind for now. Although there's pretty much no way I can fail Anatomy at this point, I don't want to bomb the final...

Hopefully I'll write more soon.


Wednesday, July 16, 2008

so anatomy is the hardest class ever

Forget math. Forget chemistry. The hardest class you'll ever take? Anatomy. I've never had more information thrown at me at once than with this class. Add some cadaver work, and it is certainly the most interesting in both a personal and professional and school sort of way.

I used to (and still do) secretly dream of being a coroner. I don't have issues with death or dealing with gross stuff. I guess that's why I will also make a good nurse. But, in all of my imagining my future career of determining cause of death, I never thought about the first time I would ever touch someone else's bare, dead muscle. Or artery. Or nerve. Sure, we've all had those curious moments at the wake where you kinda poke around wondering that death feels like. It's weird. But now? It ain't nothing. I've had my hands in things I would have never imagined. It is strange, but I'm enjoying all the hard work I'm putting into it. I literally dedicate about 6 hours a night to schoolwork a week. I hope it all pays off with an acceptance letter to Mt Carmel real soon!!

Friday, July 11, 2008

Roger Loves Me - Moshing, Personal Shout Outs, Cadavers, and the Stomach Flu in Cleveland

On Tuesday, Joe and I headed up to Cleveland to check out the Goldfinger/Less Than Jake show at the House of Blues. It was also an opportunity to pick up my bridesmaid dress for Nicole's wedding next weekend.

We decided to spend the night and chose to stay at the Hyatt Arcade, since it was right across the street from HOB. Let me tell you, it was one of the most awesome hotels we've ever stayed at. The lobby is the interior of the old Arcade, and it is awe inspiring to see the vaulted glass ceiling.

Anyway, we quickly checked in and then attempted to cross the street to grab some drinks and a bite to eat before the show. Unfortunately, there was a torrential downpour so we were soaked by the time we crossed the street. We settled on appetizers at the HOB, which I have to say were pretty yummy. We had calamari and quesadillas. My only complaint was the draft beer choices. Pitiful. Coors light, Bud Light, and Smithwicks. WTF?

We headed over to check out the show. The opening act were the Suburban Legends. They were hilarious - check them out. They had some choreography to go with their ska. Joe and I admired their ability to get the entire crowd to ska dance en masse. It's been years since I've seen that many bobbling ska heads.

Then came Goldfinger, who were incredible. We stayed in the pit for them. I haven't moshed like that years. I seriously saw my life flash before my eyes a couple of times and there was a point where I was convinced I was going to die in the pit. But I didn't. I didn't even spill my beer! or get beer spilled on me!

After Goldfinger, we decided to make like old people and grab some seats in the balcony. We had a prime view. However, once Less Than Jake came on, I got mad that I wasn't in the pit. Joe kept trying to calm me down, but I tend to be a beligerent drunk. They started off with "Johnny Quest Thinks We're Sellouts" and I kept pointing to our seats whenever they said "Sellouts." Joe told me to shut up. So, I opted instead to dance in my seat and rock out the best I could given my situation.

During their second song, Roger, the dreadlocked bassist, took notice of me. He flashed me the...uh...rock out devil horn thingie. I don't know what that's called and Joe isn't here to school me. Anyway, after the song finished the band started talking to the audience. "All you people on the floor," Chris says, "are awesome." "And all you people in the balcony are just sitting there with your colostomy bags" continues Roger, "except that girl right there!" and he points to me and the lights flash up on me. It was awesome. I got my own personal shout out from my favorite LTJ member. After that, I was on cloud 9. Eventually, I got Joe to go downstairs back to the pit. It was a good time. They played like 3 encores and all of my favorite songs. Best LTJ show to date, and I can't even tell you how many times I've seen them live.

The next morning we enjoyed breakfast at the hotel. An omlette with all the fixins. Then we called off work and drove back. One of our fish, Kenny, had been sick, so we traveled out to Petsmart to test the water and see what we could do for him. We finished up with dinner at Salvi's. I had spaghetti and meatballs as usual. It's the only thing I get in Italian restaurants. I figure it is the best basis for comparison.

I then head to Anatomy class. Today was our first lab practical and our first time working with the cadavers. For some reason, once I got to lab my stomach really started hurting. I also couldn't stop sneezing. I wondered in the back of my head if it was the preservative that was bothering me. Maybe I was allergic? But, I've taken biology before and never had a problem in the past with that all to infamous smell. But, as class progressed, I began feeling sicker and sicker.

After lab, we had lecture in a room downstairs. As I sat there, I felt worse and worse, like I was about to puke. I almost thought I'd have to get up and leave I felt so sick. Luckily, he ended lecture early.

I drove home like a bat out of hell. I didn't get there a moment sooner before the projectile vomit started.

And so I had food poisoning once again. Or stomach flu. or something.

Go figure. this happens everytime I go to Cleveland.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Happy Comfest!

Happy Comfest!
Originally uploaded by icadrews
This weekend is Comfest!!! I'm so excited!

Although we moved out of Victorian Village last weekend, you'd better believe that we will be out in full force to celebrate the start of summer in Columbus.

On Friday, Robin is making her annual trek down. We're going to meet up with our usual group, under the tree....

On Saturday, Alex and Mike will be in town looking for a place to live before moving to Columbus. They'll join us for Comfest at night. I'll be working the Off-Ramp Beer Booth from 7-11, so stop by and visit!

Sunday will be spent recovering and spending leftover beer chips.

Happy Comfest!

Monday, May 19, 2008

Haircut blunder

This week has been completely insane and an emotional roller coaster. In order to make myself feel better, I decided to treat myself to a color and cut, as I hadn't done so since before Alex's wedding in December.

Unfortunately, that was a really, really bad idea. After 3 hours, the stylist ended up messing it up pretty badly and I came home crying and crying. I didn't go to my usual hairdresser since I had called in that day. So, I was stuck with a girl fresh out of cosmetology school who admitted that doing hair wasn't her life's dream.

So, I spent the weekend with quite an interesting hairstyle. Fortunately, it was fixed this afternoon.

We spent the weekend enjoying life and the neighborhood. On Friday, we took a walk throughout the Short North and had dinner at Lemongrass. I love that place! We were seated right next to the piano, and he played interesting piano remixes of songs. We enjoyed our usual favorite, the dragon roll as well as some Mai-Tai's, froo-froo martinis, and an appetizer sampler. We then meandered over to MoJoe's and managed to become quite tipsy off of our usuals there.

As we were walking home, we came across a lesbian couple. One of the women looked like a femme version of Joe. Same weight. Same striped black and white button down. Same glasses. Same jeans. Same pineapple shaped head. Her partner was going "ew ew ew ew!" I'm not sure why, Joe obviously wore it hotter. It was rather amusing, though.

On Saturday, we enjoyed a bizarro brunch at Victorian's Midnight Cafe which included some free beers. We followed it up with a jaunt to Jeni's in the Short North. Joe detests Jeni's, but agreed to go on two conditions:

1. I pay
2. I pick an ice cream he'll actually like. If I fail, we never have to go there again.

Here's the thing about Jeni's for those of you who aren't familiar. Jeni's is unique, albeit trendy ice cream. They serve flavors such as "Candied Fennel," "Grapefrut Hibiscus," and "Wildberry Lavender", and normal sounding flavors with ingredient lists that make you wonder if you should eat it or smear it all over your body after a bath. Their most popular flavor is "Salty Caramel," which features sea salt. I particularly like a sundae combo that includes chocolate ice cream with caramel, cayenne pepper, cinnamon, peanuts, and whipped cream. Yum!

With that in mind, Joe gives me rules:

It must be creamy
No fruit
No salt
No spicy
I enter pretty much defeated. I think it is a prerequisite that all of Jeni's flavors has one of the aforementioned contraband. But, I test my luck. First I try Toasted Coconut Rum. Joe loves rum. It is good, but I'm not wowed. Next I try Sugardaddy's Brownie Cream Cheese. Joe loves brownies. Chocolate will help me win. I vote for it. I decide on some Maker's Mark Butter Pecan for myself. Two scoops and $7 (!!) later, Joe is satisfied. But he likes mine better. Go figure, despite his warning against salty.
Saturday evening, we travel though town trying to find apartments. We enjoy dinner at Cameron's.
Sunday, we think we find the place we've been looking for. We should be seeing it on Friday. Cross your fingers. It sounds perfect and it's in an ideal location in Clintonville.
Sunday night, our hillbilly neighbors host a party. It's loud and appears to involve 4 AM bowling. We have to sleep in the spare room in an attempt to smother out some of the noise.
Today I left work early to fix my hair. We have an appointment tonight to see another place. Then lot of studying, as the quarter is nearing an end and Joe starts another class at Franklin tomorrow. I have tons of projects, papers, and presentations coming up. Plus the stress of packing up and moving. And summer weddings. And trying to get into school.
Which reminds me, my interview at Mt. Carmel is Friday. Send me good vibes!
Also, today I was talking absentmindedly to my clerical when my boss's boss calls me on the phone. I just miss it. Next thing I know she's standing at my cube. "Come quick, there's a conference call you have to come to." Huh? Since when do I participate in conference calls? And why on such short notice?
So, I'm scuttled off to administration. I'm shoveled into the small conference room. In there are the directors of the agency, and a couple of other people from the office. I find out that myself and another woman won the Regional SSA Commissioner's Citation for our outstanding work at the DDS. We are being flown to Chicago to accept the award. For once in my life, I am actually taking a REAL business trip. On government money! Woohoo!!

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Certified Healer

I am absolutely exhausted!

I spent the past weekend in a rigorous Pranic Healing course. I am now a certified Level I Pranic Healer.

Pranic Healing is an ancient Eastern science and art of healing that utilizes prana, also known as Chi, Ki, Ruah, among others. I took the course because I thought it would be something interesting to take as I complete my pre-requisites for my nursing program. I figured that it would be an opportunity to experience a different way of doing things. I enjoy yoga and I was raised in a family that encouraged mysticism and new age ideas, (which I have spent much of my adult life being skeptical of), but I thought that pranic healing might bring an element of spirituality that I was lacking. I was right.

About a week before my class I receive an email from my instructor. "Namaste," it begins. She goes on to say that we need to bring a spray bottle of isopropyl alcohol and wear comfortable clothing (not silk, as it blocks energy). This should be interesting, I thought.

When I walked into class on Friday night, I wasn't sure what to expect. There were only 11 people in my class. The instructor's son was filling buckets with water and salt. What the heck? She starts out explaining her background and how she came across this technique. She explains what it is. She then says "don't think I'm a crazy lady. I'll give you a demonstration. Be open to it."

She then proceeds to demo pranic healing on one of my classmates with a headache.

It was one of the weirdest things I had ever seen.

I remained skeptical. We practiced scanning the aura. Looking for air and earth prana. Absorbing solar prana. Cleansing, sweeping, energizing. Sometimes I felt nothing. But, more often, I would feel or experience something that truly weirded me out.

Day 2 came along and we expaned upon our practice. We did all sorts of things that I can't even begin to explain to you.

My homework for day 2 was to practice on someone. I experimented on Joe. He made fun of me for taking the class, but later seemed to feel a little bit of what I was doing. I don't know it he was trying to humor me or what, but he definately reacted to things that he didn't even know I was doing.

Day 3 came along and we tied it all together.

Pranic Healing is interesting. Before I went into it, I wasn't sure what to expect. When I first started it, I thought it was a load of crap. Now? I'm thinking there might be a little something there. My instructor hosts free clinics in the Columbus area every Monday from 6:30-9 at the United Methodist Church on North Broadway. If you want more info, ask me. I'm looking forward to practicing my technique there in the near future. I may just even go for my Level II certificate. Who knows?

Friday, April 25, 2008

The Duke Spirit! & BRMC Private Show!

The Duke Spirit!
Originally uploaded by icadrews
About 2 months ago, I decided that Black Rebel Motorcycle Club was my new favorite band. Oftentimes, I decide I love a band many years after they first come to the scene. I'm just delayed. Joe, in his love for up and coming bands and small, intimate rock shows, is teaching me how to discover new talent. He's really good at it. He has a good ear for what will be popular. And he knows music.


After listening to BRMC over and over on my iPod, I went to Pollstar to see if they were touring. What luck! They were coming to Cincinnati/Covington, KY for a show at a little rock club called The Mad Hatter. No shows in Columbus or Cleveland.

I convince Joe that a weekend rock trip is needed. He agrees.

I buy the tickets.

A day after I buy the tickets, I hear a promotion on CD101 - BRMC is holding a private show at Skully's at the end of April sponsored by Jack Daniels. Skully's is within walking distance to our house. Go figure.

About a month goes by and CD101 Day approaches. CD101 Day is a show at the LC that is only $5, put on by the local radio station. They showcase several local and up and coming bands. Our friend Matt had tickets he wasn't going to use, so he gave them to us.

In our research of the bands that were playing (The Whigs, Zox, The Switches, The Duke Spirit, and Von Iva, among others), Joe determines that The Duke Spirit will be the best band. He doesn't like Von Iva. I do, since they're kinda techno-y. I've since changed my mind after buying their album, though.

Anyway, we get to CD 101 day a bit late (we were hungover from the night before - The New Pornographers with Okkervil River - free tix I won from being a CSCC student). We were able to catch the end of The Duke Spirit. We were pretty bummed that we missed most of their set, as they sounded awesome.

A couple days later, I'm checking out things on the internet in preparation for our KY roadtrip. The Duke Spirit is opening for BRMC!! We couldn't have been happier.

In the weeks following this discovery and CD101 day, we try and try and try to win tix to the private BRMC show. No luck.

Fast foward to April 18th. I'm pretty neurotic and make sure we leave on time. We stop at Sonic for fuel and begin our voyage. We have an awesome hotel in a great location in Mainstrasse in Covington. Being the walkers that we are, we hike our way around town. We actually heard a "Where's Jim Bob?" and a "Is Johnny Boy home?" No joke.

We eat tons of potato pancakes and order a huge beer pitcher. So huge, we have to give it away to a thirsty group of preppy, pregaming boys.

Finally, we get to the venue and get in line. Joe snaps pictures and brags about how he thinks he saw someone from the band - a guy in a red shirt and black vest.

The Mad Hatter is a converted strip club. The stage is really low to the ground. It is also very smoky, since it is KY.

We head to the front of the stage. Primo view! I've never been that close to a major band.

The Duke Spirit are awesome! You really need to check them out. They're kinda a watery, smoky Bijork-y sound.

About 4 songs into the BRMC set, we decide that we're smoked out and peopled out, so we head to the back and sit on a vacant couch and watch The Duke Spirit play pool with their crew. Then we head outside for a breath of fresh air. Joe runs into the red shirted black vested guy again - Olly. Drummer for the Duke Spirit. Joe compliments him on a great show. Olly stops to talk to us. And talk. And talk. We tell him how we loved seeing them at the CD101 day show and we traveled down to this one. He thought it was great as he wasn't used to people traveling to see bands in the UK. We tell him about the private BRMC show that we can't win tix to.

"We don't have any friends in Columbus. We'll get you on the list."

He then introduces us to his tour manager, who explains how we can get on the list. Then, he takes his picture with us.

It was awesome! We have a new UK friend! In a talented band, nonetheless!

I don't even remember the rest of the BRMC show. I know it was good. I know they played a looong time. I know they played all of my favorite songs.

I don't remember getting home very much, but I did end up somehow with an extra, free, takeout box of chocolate chip pecan waffle house waffles. with syrup. and a stolen spoon in my new BRMC tote bag I bought at the show. apparently.

We spent the rest of the week visiting with Dustin and Heather.

Yesterday, I get an email from Jack Daniels. So does Joe. We've both won tickets for us and a guest to the BRMC show. But we have to show ID because we'll be on a list. (maybe 2 times now?) So, we're having problems trying to figure out how and if we can get our friends to the show.

And I have nursing aide class, which is mandatory because it is state governed, so we can't make it to see The Duke Spirit in the Big Room :( At least I can see the show though!!

The moral of the story is - BRMC is great. Drink Jack Daniels. And, above all...

listen to the Duke Spirit!

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Tooth Model

Today started with a 3 at 6:30 (AM) on CD 101 with Muse, my favorite band. I was pretty happy--a good start to the day. I went to Microbio lecture and then headed off to work. My coworkers had hidden a boston cream pie at my desk. (Another coworker had brought it in to thank us for covering his desk and yesterday, someone in our unit ate all the cupcakes that were brought in for the unit. I never got one and complained, since I like to eat.) So, I got a nice big piece of pie. What a way to start the workday!

I had to go to the dentist today. Everytime I go, I freak out, because this is a fairly new dentist. I had gone to my previous dentist in Lakewood for 22 years. After I switched to one in Columbus, they found my first cavity. I've never felt like a failure so much as I did that day.

Today, however, the dentist informed me that I should be a tooth model. So, if you have any connections, let me know.

Before I left, the hygenist gave me a huge hug. Hygenists are the best. My last hygenist, who I went to for years and years, tried to get me to babysit her kids. I'd totally go into oral hygeine except that I have no desire to smell people's breath all day. Thank you to those who can handle it!

Saturday, January 26, 2008

I knew Chemistry was worth it!

So, for those of you who are not aware, I am going back to school to pursue a nursing degree. I apply for the program this fall, and will begin in Fall 2009. In the meantime, I am working on pre-requisites and general ed courses for the program. The program I will most likely be doing is an Associate's Degree for those of us who already have Bachelor's degrees. It is a part time night/weekend program, which will be good because I can keep earning my $income$ and go to school. I'd prefer to do a BA to BSN program, but those are full time and I cannot fathom putting myself in debt with student loans just to switch jobs.

Anyway, I have to take Organic and Biochemistry as part of my pre-reqs. Those of you who knew me in college know that the reason I stopped the pre-med track was chemistry. Luckily, however, community college chemistry is not the same.

Last Wednesday, I had chem lab. Our experiment was on Alcohols: soluability in H20 and oxidation. Unfortunately, two of my favorite bands (Louis XIV and Hot Hot Heat) were in concert at the Newport, opening for the Editors (all their songs sound the same, so I didn't know why they were the headliners.) Anyway, Joe and Matt were going, but I had to pass because I can't miss chem lab. It is from 6 until 9:30. I'd miss the first two bands by the time I made it to campus.

I get to Chemistry and my super-awesome lab partners and I finish the experiment by 7:30. I can't believe my luck! I call Joe and Matt answers - the show is sold out. I am crushed. I walk to my car in defeat, and then decide - I WILL BE THERE. So, I hop in my car and I GOOG-411 the Newport. It keeps disconnecting. I try and try and finally get through. "Yes, we're sold out." There's hesitance in her voice though....


So, I blaze my trail to the Newport. (My class is at the Worthington campus). I get to OSU, screech into one of the parking spots at South Campus Gateway and determine that $1 is worth a paying for parking if I don't end up with tix. Luckily, I had gotten $100 out of the ATM the night before. I stash $40 and some change in one pocket and the rest in the other. I decide that although the original tix were $15 plus service charges (I can't believe they were that cheap!) I will fork over a maximum of $40. I had no choice as I had all $20's. It's not like you can ask a scalper for change after negotiating him down.

I walk toward the Newport. "You selling tickets?" a scalper asks.
"No, I'm buying," I say.
"Oh...well...uh...wait over in the UDF and I'll have you one in 5 minutes."
"Sorry, I'll keep looking, thanks."
Damn, this needs to happen! There's a reason this all fell into place. I've gotta get a ticket!

So, I walk toward the entrance. There's another scalper negotiating with a guy. The guy says "let me go inside and get another $20 from her.."
He walks into the concert hall.

"Hi" I say to the scalper.
"Selling tickets?"
"No, buying."
He yells to his friend (the UDF guy) to see if he has tix. Obviously he does not.
"I have one but this concert is going for $100."
I laugh.
He gives me that poor other kid's ticket. He watches as I grab it and run inside.

I get inside just to hear my favorite Louis XIV song, "Finding out True Love is Blind." I buy a beer and meet up with the boys. They're on the second level, which is not always open but is my favorite place to watch a show in the Newport.

The show was awesome. HHH rearranged their songs so it was amusing. It was the 4th time I've seen them in concert and it was the best.

During the Editors show, the lead singer of Louis XIV walked past. I chased him, but was unable to catch up with him. On his way back, Matt and Joe grab him and I say hi and shook his hand, complimenting him on a job well done. I was so excited!

We even got free hotdogs when the concession stand gave up and left them out on the counter for people to take. Joe gave one to the "Help is on the way!" bum who hi-fived him and said "Oh, thank you my man! I really do appreciate it. I really do love these dogs!"

I then ran. Literally. Back to my car. Blasting the Brew all the way home.

I love the fates! And alcohol! woohoo!